Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Look into the fog

Look into the fog to see shapes looming and lights glimmering. The same with the future I suppose, you never know quite what will happen, despite what you may want. Hence my dislike of new year's resolutions and the way they tend to give way to situations unseen. I am wondering about this thing I see lots of people doing-picking a word for the year, but even that scares me a bit as it seems so final. What if I change my mind in June?! I am just not that focussed. I did consider 'focus' as my word though as I am not too hot at that. Hmm.

P.S. Look at these! Inspiring.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Monday, 27 December 2010
Cotton Lady

The lady in the drawing has become a strange hybrid between doll and embroidery. I am not going to put her in the book as she has not turned out like that. She is finished but unfinished in that I am not sure what to do with the edges. The only thing different to here is that I have stuffed the skirt. She now looks more Elizabethan than Victorian to me, and reminds me of one of the characters in Blackadder-the Elizabethan Blackadder. The woman who's husband had already been beheaded but Edmund had to pretend he was him, so wore a bag over his head. Sounds gruesome but was fairly funny and the actress looks like this. Found her! She is called Holly de Jong and the episode was called 'Head'. In it she plays Lady Farrow.

I like the back of the embroidered face.

This is a picture from a book on embroidery I have. I had a look the other night for inspiration on stitches as I only know about three. But the book is really fancy and difficult stuff such as making your own lace and broderie anglaise-way beyond my patience or capabilities. I did like this picture with the caption which says
" Colourful needlework enhances the beauty and comfort of the home, while the knitted jumper gains in popularity with every season"

Looking for embroidery tips has ruined my Christmas present somehow. Andy gave me a Kindle, which is an amazing thing and worked fine on Christmas day and yesterday. Today however, I downloaded a free sample of a book on embroidery, which I didn't like the look of much. I deleted it but ever since then the screen has been frozen on a blank screen saying the name of the book at the top-if I try to open the other two books on there, or frozen on a screen saying it can't connect at the moment despite there being three bars. When I try to ring them up for help our phone has then decided not to work properly! I will try again tomorrow, and in the meantime be content with reading one of the many real books I own!
Back to the settee now, for more comedy tv and a cuddle with Cassie!
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Christmas House
We went for our second Christmas light hunting drive last night and this was our reward! The best lights I have seen-Newstead Road in Lewisham if by any chance you are local-well worth a visit! The night before we didn't find much but did get to call the fire brigade as we drove past a car that was on fire. The fire engine got there in about 8 minutes-in time to stop the car exploding, though I should think the engine was pretty much ruined.
Have a lovely day! Off to my Mum's now!
Have a lovely day! Off to my Mum's now!
Friday, 24 December 2010
I nearly forgot the nativity scene from the church over the road but here it is, a fitting end to the advent calendar. Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas! x
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Favourite flowers, poor dogs, Victorian maths teachers and tinned sunshine

Tonight's party (two in two days-it is a social whirl!) is cava and mince pies-very Christmassy!
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
You Know I Love You 'Cos Your Feet's Too Big
No door today as no time to make one. Instead, here is Cassie yawning. She makes me smile with her big feet and the way they hang off of things. I misremembered the above line from the Fats Waller song-in fact it is "I can't stand you 'cos your feet's too big" "Your pedal extremities are a bit obnoxious" !
Monday, 20 December 2010
The Rising of the Sun
The rising sun was really striking this morning, and made me think of the line in the holly and the ivy, and also how I don't take it for granted. The sun gradually coming back is an amazing thing. I have done nearly all the work I need to do today-from 8.30 this morning until about 5 tonight, as well as a substantial part of the weekend. One more job to do then I can relax! I am out tomorrow night for dinner at a friend's house, and so made some chocolate brownies yesterday to take as dessert. I don't think I have ever made them before. The recipe made loads, and I have been all fancy and packaged them up in little ribboned bags, but still have loads to eat. No wonder I am feeling fat at the moment! I intend to go for a walk tomorrow at least up to the shops to get a bit of exercise and fresh air!

Sunday, 19 December 2010
Saturday, 18 December 2010
18, Snow and Journal Pages
Today's door is more of a box. I think I am running out of door ideas! Inside is a little Russian Santa. The real one is about 2 inches high and contains Mrs Christmas, a snowman, a penguin and a tiny Christmas tree. I used one of Kim Klassen's textures to finish the drawing. I used the same one on the drawing below and also overlayed a picture of falling snow from today, using different blending modes until I found one I liked.
The snow started lightly this morning as we set out to the shops, and by the time we came back it was really heavy. So I had no choice but to drive in it! It was a bit scary, but really thrilling at the same time! We got home ok and the car is not coming out again until it has gone. There was a minor crash on our street this afternoon-a woman slid into a post on the corner of the pavement. It did so much damage to the front of her car.
One of the boozy angels.

Having fun mixing colours, and filling in a grid from the packaging of my birthday present from my Mum (received last weekend-a brilliant device-a paper cutter that has changeable blades and does things like scoring, deckle edges and perforating.)
Hope your weekend is going well.

Having fun mixing colours, and filling in a grid from the packaging of my birthday present from my Mum (received last weekend-a brilliant device-a paper cutter that has changeable blades and does things like scoring, deckle edges and perforating.)
Hope your weekend is going well.
Drawn on the drawing tablet-I realised last night that it allows you to vary the pressure and so make dark and light marks as you would with a real pencil-you can't do that with the mouse. So this quite miserable looking girl in a hat came out. She likes the cold! Snowing again this morning so off to Sainsbury's before it lays much!
Friday, 17 December 2010
Snowflakes, Starflakes and letters from the Queen
And door 17! The well prepared animator would have a Christmas pudding in her fridge. Sadly I am the ill prepared animator and so have only drawn one.
It was not supposed to snow today, so I drove my car to work. It started to snow in the morning so I panicked slightly and rushed the car home at lunch time and zoomed back on the bus. I was glad I did as it snowed and lay in the afternoon. The roads were not too bad really but I was still happier on the bus!
Everything was covered by the snow shower.
The colours of the pens looked good against the white.

The nicest surprise of the day was a phonecall from Ann in the office this afternoon saying I had received a letter from the Queen! Just in the nick of time a letter was sent back to Jimmy. And one to me. Both lovely letters I thought. I took Jimmy's round to his class in the afternoon and his teacher read it out. When she said who it was from he looked pleased-and seemed happy he could keep it!

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