The dolls have gathered for story telling around the tree, in an attempt to be a bit Victorian and not watch so much telly. They particularly like ghost stories, and so have invited ghost candle, left over from Halloween.

One of my favourite ghost stories is this truly
terrifying one. One of the most scary parts is when it moves in his hand. I am shivering now just thinking about it.

Ghost candle burned only briefly, as he was going down at an alarming rate.

I also like
this story by Charles Dickens.

The ghostly head likes it too!

We're not scared. Oh no.

Koji Suzuki is another favourite-especially "Dark Water"
Do you like a scary tale? What are your favourites?
I got a big book of Victorian ghost stories out of the library today and am off now to have a read.
I like these so much as well as the old standby, "A Christmas Carol" by Mr. C. Dickens.
"The Lady in White" by Wilkie is also good. Great photos, Sarah!
I love your dolls sharing some scary stories. The Monkey's paw is a classic. I like some scary tales, the truth is I have such a wild imagination. Some stories keep me up at nights.
I just read The Monkey's Paw. It was very good. I had never heard of it before. I like to hear ghost tales. Some are so scary.
I'd dorgotten how good 'The Monkey's Paw' was! (Although I do think visitors should not condole with themselves at the door). I like the snow falling through your blog. Have a great Christmas.
There is a book "Ghosts On the Range" of TRUE tales that will scare the bejesus out of you. I knew most of the people in the stories because i grew up in wyoming which is like one gigantic small town where every one knows one another. There seems to be some sort of phenomina in wyoming that allows apparitions more reality- sort of like ghosted tapes where you can hear the other side. woooo woooooo
Your children at school must think you are great!
Have a lovely Christmas, spooky or otherwise,
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