Saturday, 26 January 2019


A lovely day out with Linda Sue. She first view is from her Vauxhall flat, of yet more new buildings. I love the pattern of windows on high rises, and these two are at least a warm colour. The whole place is a building site at the moment. 

 So much to look at here. These beautifully worn wooden planks caught my eye. Part of a market stall I think.
 On the same lorry as these smoothly rusty poles. 
Bargain silver and EPNS all jumbled together in a tempting pile. In the middle is the tiniest sporting cup I ever saw.
 A jumbly tumble of fruit boxes. 
 This bear is so funny. He has obviously had a very hard life but has not given up yet. He has been loved enough to have had 90% of his body replaced by knitting!