Saturday, 18 August 2012

Doors of Dinan

Dinan is a medieval walled town with beautiful buildings everywhere you look. We visited it three times, and on one of the visits walked down a steep cobbled street, the Rue du Jerzual,  to the river. All of these doors are on that street.

Back tomorrow with animals of the holiday!


Leenie said...

A fine collection of doors and each one has so much character. Amazing craftsmanship in the architecture.

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous, love the doors, all so different.

jabblog said...

What a lovely variety of doors - it must be a joy to walk along that road.

Linda Sue said...

Oh my Goodness! What an amazing Rue to the river! Delicious! I want to kiss them all and rub my face on the stone walls. What a gorgeous place...must go there someday. Love the little pooch!

Tracy said...

Window & doors... this is a wonderful study of shapes and colors! I love that muted grayish blue of of the windows/doors in that second photo. Maybe we need a blue door next time we paint ours! :o) Happy Day, Sarah... loving you holiday posts! ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

So pretty! I love all of the different colors and styles!