Saturday, 31 March 2012
Thursday, 29 March 2012
It Lives and Which Came First?
I had hoped to answer that question once and for all, but the participants were a bit unruly. The baby is much more predictable.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Stripe Day

Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Random and Recent
Here is a selection of recent photos I like. They are mainly school, some linked by colour or mood, and some by subject. But if you are looking, you could work that out for yourself!

Monday, 26 March 2012
Songs, Sketches and Stitches
In our little hideaway beneath the waves."

Cassie requests that you tip toe, as she is fast asleep.Aren't they lovely? PPA this afternoon, and had to go to the shops on the way home, and couldn't resist them!
We had an inset day on Friday-which nursery somehow were not included in at all-which gave us a day to really get going with the packing. We have done almost all of one of our big cupboards. There were a few finds of things that have been in there a long time. Some were thrown away, some kept, and some rehomed by me-a metal dentist's tool (too dangerous for play, but perfect to add to my clay tools), a horseshoe, two giant pinecones (from a large box of them) and two lovely blank paper sample books-donated by our lunchtime supervisor ten years ago apparently. I am afraid the children have been deprived, and I have brought them home to use as sketchbooks. They have glossy paper which I thought would be good for drawing with pen. It turns out it is also good for watercolours.
Sometimes, I feel like I am playing 'artist'-like I feel as if I am playing 'house' when I put a vase of flowers on the table. A double whammy today then!
My bowl of satsumas.
My beach finds from Saturday-flint comes in such a variety of shapes and subtle variations of colour.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Sunny Saturday
Friday, 23 March 2012
My Spinal Tap Moment
I have a cat/tiger soft toy, still got all the stuffing she is old and needs a bit of a wash/scrub up but shes cute. Has a chain round neck so not really suitable for a small child. She is a little hard not a squidgy soft toy.
hope it finds a nice new home. It would be a crime to put in landfill.
will give to first to ask for and collect.
p.s if you say you are coming please turn up, if you change your mind PLEASE let me know so I don't wait in and waste time or save this for you when someone else wants it ''
The crucial mistake Hannah made in her message was to put " not ', which led me to believe that, even if I was not keen, what is the problem when it is only two inches high? Two feet high is a different matter altogether!
This is a very long and rambling post, but I really want to remember our conversation as it was fun! I really liked Hannah, and if I see her riding her bike around with Cleo will stop and have a chat.
Anyway, back to the cat/tiger. He is not the cleanest of cat/tigers I have ever seen, so is currently sitting in the garden, before being washed tomorrow. He will not end up in landfill, never fear, though he may undergo a few operations before he is usable.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Monday, 19 March 2012
'appy apps
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Postcard from Paradise
Saturday, 17 March 2012
What I love about blogging
Friday, 16 March 2012
Almost a Luddite, but not quite
The only thing that is not so good, is that it does not seem to want to use my wi-fi at home, so I have used up more of my monthly download allowance than I should. I have tried various things-re-setting the network settings, turning off the 3G, and forgetting my network then re-joining. The wi-fi symbol was displayed for a day, then not again, apart from the occasional flash, yet it says the wi-fi is on. I need to ask my sister who is a computer genius, but if anyone reading this has any ideas I would be grateful!